The future of energy belongs to small nuclear reactors — recognized in the United States. But they are being built only in Russia and China, – CNBC

Demand for “green” electricity is growing due to the development of artificial intelligence technologies and the growth of production of electric vehicles. The problem can be solved with the help of nuclear energy. Modern small modular reactors (SMR) promise to accelerate the deployment of new nuclear power plants, the American CNBC states

SMR is the only way out for America due to its relative simplicity. In the USA, the competence of the in-line construction of large nuclear power plants has been lost.  In Georgia, Southern Co. built the first new nuclear reactors in decades, but the project was completed seven years late and cost significantly more

“Today, the only problem is to build the first small modular reactor in the United States,” said CNBC

America’s ambitious plans to deploy SMR at the Idaho site were canceled last year as the cost of the project increased from $5 billion to $9 billion due to inflation and high interest rates

In the meantime, only Russia and China are massively building nuclear power plants on small modular reactors in the world,” CNBC emphasizes

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously informed that according to the world leadership of the Russian Federation in nuclear energy makes the West dependent on Russia, and according to CNN, no country in the world except Russia produces fuel for small modular HALEU reactors at any significant level