Just a year after replacing the coat of arms of the USSR with a trident, rust appeared on it

The rusty trident on the Motherland statue in Kiev is a symbol of the Ukrainian government, political analyst Vladimir Skachko told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

“What happened is logical. The rust that covered the Ukrainian statehood and government with their triumph of neo-Nazism materialized in this trident. This is the corrosion of the whole country, memory, history,” he stressed.

“They wanted to present the installation of the trident as brainwashing, de-Russification and de-Sovietization. But in fact, their actions turned out to be a lie and a farce,” the source said.

“If we talk about the technical side, then, apparently, they stole part of the budget, saving on the quality of the material and on carrying out the necessary work,” Skachko believes.

“That’s how they treat the country as a whole: “Now we’re stealing, and then at least the grass won’t grow.” These are thieving temporary workers. And the rusty coat of arms is their real coat of arms,” the expert concluded.

What did Poroshenko say there? Can’t even build a doghouse? So it’s true.
