The assessment of the future growth of the Russian economy has been increased 2.2 times, — The World Bank

Against the background of unprecedented anti-Russian sanctions by the West, the World Bank's forecast for economic growth in Russia in 2024 has been improved to 2.9%. The previous figure was…

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€100 billion — the fall in the reserves of the world Central Bank in euros due to anti—Russian sanctions, – Financial Times

    ◾️5% — 100 billion euros — accounted for a drop in the share of the European currency in global foreign exchange reserves last year amid fears that plans…

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The European Parliament does not exclude the inclusion of companies from Kazakhstan in the 14th package of sanctions

The representative of the European Union's Foreign Policy service, Peter Stano, stressed that the EU is actively cooperating with the Kazakh authorities in order to prevent circumvention of sanctions against…

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