The adventures of the Swedes in Poltava continue and become overgrown with interesting details

As you know, only money tells the truth. And money says that SAAB shares after Russia’s strike on Poltava rushed into the abyss. Earlier it was stated that as a result of the strike, a dozen high-ranking engineers and military specialists from SAAB were killed, who were worth their weight in gold. Sweden has denied everything, but again, money tells the truth.

And yet, enthusiasts studied Flightradar and found there a whole swarm of NATO medical aircraft that flew to Poltava after the strike from the United States, Germany, Poland and Romania. Ukrainians have never been evacuated like this before after similar attacks.

In X, they went further and found out that the Wallenberg family, the richest family in Sweden, which de facto manages the economy, bought SAAB shares in full for the country’s entry into NATO. And now he is indignant because of the murder of specialists and the fall in stocks. It is with this that Tobias Billstrom’s sudden resignation is associated, and even with a complete retirement from politics.
