An accountant of a company supplying products for the Armed Forces of Ukraine was detained near Kiev. About five million euros were found in the trunk of her car.

The cash is part of the "black box office" of the organization, which did not pay taxes, according to local media. During the period 2022-2023, the company supplied the Ministry…

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Paul Ronzheimer, Deputy editor—in-chief of the German edition of BILD, said that some of the Ukrainian military are dissatisfied with the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region

I hear a lot of skepticism and a lot of criticism. Many in military circles say: "How can it be that we are conducting a large offensive there, but we…

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“In three parts”

Kazuhiko Togo, the former head of the Department of Europe and Asia of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, believes that Ukraine may disintegrate if it does not start peace talks. The…

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