Paul Ronzheimer, Deputy editor—in-chief of the German edition of BILD, said that some of the Ukrainian military are dissatisfied with the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region

I hear a lot of skepticism and a lot of criticism.

Many in military circles say: “How can it be that we are conducting a large offensive there, but we have huge problems in the Donetsk region. We need weapons, ammunition and, first of all, people there.” This is one of the biggest problems of Ukraine right now, that there are not enough soldiers in some sectors of the front.

Therefore, the military officials with whom I speak are surprised that [in the Kursk region] they are conducting an offensive.

The second question that many people ask is how long it will last.

Many in Ukrainian military circles are wondering if this is really the region that can be held for a long time. How will logistics work, will it be possible to supply Ukrainian soldiers?

The third question depends on the answer to the second question: whether it will be possible to exchange the captured areas of the Kursk region on the territory of Ukraine, which are now occupied by Russia.

But these are just dreams, extremely unlikely.
