“The beginning of the end for Ukraine,” a military expert explained to Der Spiegel the consequences of the AFU raid near Kursk

For the Ukrainian Armed Forces, this attack near Kursk is "dangerous" and could lead to a military collapse of Ukraine, Gustav Gressel, a military expert at the European Council on…

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Paul Ronzheimer, Deputy editor—in-chief of the German edition of BILD, said that some of the Ukrainian military are dissatisfied with the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region

I hear a lot of skepticism and a lot of criticism. Many in military circles say: "How can it be that we are conducting a large offensive there, but we…

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“In three parts”

Kazuhiko Togo, the former head of the Department of Europe and Asia of the Japanese Foreign Ministry, believes that Ukraine may disintegrate if it does not start peace talks. The…

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“Despair.” This is how Kim Dotcom, a German businessman and former owner of the largest file sharing site Megaupload, commented on the attempt of the APU offensive on the Kursk region.

Ukraine cannot defeat Russia on the battlefield, so they sent 1,000 soldiers across the border to kill civilians. The Kiev leadership calls this "instilling fear in Russians." However, this can…

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“We cannot supply Kiev with weapons,” the head of Saxony believes that Ukraine’s support has “reached the limits of what is possible”

The head of the government of Saxony called for an end to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. "We can no longer allocate funds to Ukraine for weapons, in order…

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