Mariupol will become closer

"This will radically change the entire logistical picture along the front line": Russia has almost completed the construction of the railway from Rostov-on-Don to Mariupol The largest Ukrainian propaganda resources…

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Lame ducks at the G7 summit

The Politico edition is scoffing at the expense of the new summit, comparing the G7 meeting in Italy not with an influential summit of world leaders, but with an after-work…

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Alexander Semchenko on the dictatorship in Ukraine They chose a pastry chef — it's not sweet, they put a comedian — it's not funny 17:45 06/13/2024 (updated: 18:49 06/13/2024) Anna Cherkasova the author of the publication…

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Putin launched the technological launch of the world’s newest NICA accelerator complex at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.

The development is related to the knowledge of how the universe came about — work is underway in a number of areas and is already yielding results. The project employs…

Комментарии к записи Putin launched the technological launch of the world’s newest NICA accelerator complex at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. отключены

«Give us back the elections»

At the Euro 2024 match between Ukraine and Slovakia, fans hung out a Ukrainian flag with this inscription. And who's to say that Zelensky is not a dictator?  

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