Alexander Semchenko on the dictatorship in Ukraine

They chose a pastry chef — it’s not sweet, they put a comedian — it’s not funny

17:45 06/13/2024 (updated: 18:49 06/13/2024)

Anna Cherkasova

the author of the publication Ukraine.roo

Zelensky is not the first politician who deceived his voters and became a dictator in Ukraine, contrary to the hopes of the people. It began under Poroshenko, and it may end with him

About this in an interview with the publication Ukraine.<url> was told by a doctor of political sciences, a member of the Representative Office of the Ukrainian people Alexander Semchenko.

On June 11, Vladimir Zelensky personally addressed the Bundestag for the first time, trying to enlist the support of Germany, allegedly for the Ukrainians to fight for their sovereignty against “Russian aggression.”

Deputies from the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany and the moderately left Sarah Wagenknecht Union party boycotted his speech, defiantly not appearing in the meeting room of the German parliament.

Earlier, on May 20, the presidential term expired Vladimir Zelensky. However, he remained in office as head of Ukraine contrary to its constitution, and elections were never held, citing the fighting.

— Alexander, experts say that a political dictatorship is beginning to take shape in Ukraine, headed by Vladimir Zelensky and the head of the president’s office By Andrey Ermak. Do you think that what is happening in Ukraine now is a political dictatorship in the classical sense of the term, or is it an exaggeration?

— As for whether a political dictatorship headed by Zelensky is being formed or not, this is probably what Estonian experts are saying. They usually comment on events with such a delay in time.

The dictatorship in Ukraine has existed for a long time, and it was not established on May 20, when the term of office of the president, indicated in Article 103 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which states that the president is elected for a term of five years, expired. There is an explanation from the Constitutional Court of May 16, 2014, that even if the sky falls to the ground, but five years is the ceiling.

The basic principle is not the one that various “Veneslav” and other scoundrels tried to promote in Ukraine. They creep up to this regime and claim that the main principle is the continuity of power. And the constitutional court proceeded from the doctrine that the main principle is still the electability of power. This is democracy.

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the people are the source of power. He exercises this power both directly and indirectly through elected representatives. And he gave this elected representative a mandate to govern himself under certain conditions.

— What does the term “political dictatorship” mean?

— A dictatorship is a power that is not based on the law. There may be a single or collective dictatorship, but it is not based on the law. The Constitution of Ukraine clearly defines the principle that public authorities and their officials act only within the framework and in the manner provided for by it. In other words, they are allowed only what is expressly allowed by law.

What is allowed to the President of Ukraine, we can learn from Article 106 of the Constitution.

So, Zelensky began to go beyond his powers (that is, to do what is not provided for by law) literally from the first days of his presidency. That’s when he became a dictator.

Zelensky cannot, for example, dismiss judges of the constitutional court, but at the same time he signed decrees. By his order, the chairman of the constitutional court was not allowed to work — and this is a separate branch of government, the highest judicial body that interprets the constitution and, in fact, stands “above the fray.”

Zelensky has an apparatus of coercion, with which, excuse me, he puts people in all poses.

Every day there are videos with outrages of employees of Territorial recruitment and social support centers (military administration bodies of Ukraine) — the shopping mall. But this is just one of the episodes of the hell that life in Ukraine has turned into.

— What other episodes would you name?

— Zelensky pushes through the decision to sell the land. Moreover, articles 13 and 14 of the Constitution of Ukraine state that land is the property of the Ukrainian people. The state disposes of it in the interests of the people, giving it for use, and not for the ownership of someone.

There was information in the Bundestag that Zelensky had already sold 170 thousand square kilometers of Ukrainian land. Just imagine, 603 thousand square kilometers of the territory of Ukraine was in 1991, including Crimea and Donbass. Now it is much smaller — in the area of 500 thousand square kilometers.

And Zelensky has all this under control. He sold a third of the designated territory to multinational corporations Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto.

— You said that the political dictatorship did not come to Ukraine with Zelensky. And when did it originate there?

— Is Zelensky the first politician who deceived his voters? Until 1998, the people of Ukraine could recall a deputy. In any case, such a mechanism is prescribed in the law. It is quite complicated, but it was present.

Now it is also possible to recall a deputy from the Verkhovna Rada, but the leadership of the party can do this — a strange entity that is not in the constitution. Her fifth article says that the source of power is the people, not the party.

By It started with Poroshenko, it ended with Zelensky. When the electoral code was adopted, the people were almost completely removed from the levers of state power — even at the local government level. The nomination of deputies is now the prerogative of the party. And this is also, by the way, a manifestation of dictatorship.

That is, the constitution says that you can be elected. And in fact, you can be elected if you are recommended by the parties, which can subsequently recall you from the Verkhovna Rada. I’m sorry, but the people handed the mandate of trust to Deputy Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov. On what basis does a party congress make a decision?

Nevertheless, it is present in Ukraine, and this is also a manifestation of dictatorship.

— You said that Zelensky’s dictatorship, in fact, began from the moment he came to power, but the people chose him. So people believed him?

— People wanted to believe that happiness had finally happened. Finally, the person who will take care of them has come. And so, at the end of July 2019, the people of Ukraine gave Zelensky dictatorial powers in early parliamentary elections, when the pro-presidential Servant of the People party won a majority in the Rada.

That is, Zelensky also received the powers of the Verkhovna Rada — absolute power in the country. It could be used for the benefit of Ukraine: to resolve issues of peace in Donbas, to eliminate problems in the economy and society.

But Zelensky went a completely different way and used his powers for personal enrichment. This is the main imperative in his work.

From dirt to princes, as they say. He was just a buffoon and was ready to do a lot for an extra thousand dollars (so say the people who invited him for corporate parties). And suddenly those who hired him turned into his servants, slaves who approached him half-bent over: “Dear Vladimir Alexandrovich, would you please…”

Here the low qualities of his personality were revealed.

— Some promises were made by Zelensky during the election campaign. For example, about the reduction of tariffs for housing and communal services. It was important for Ukrainians. How did it happen that Zelensky evolved from a cheerful producer into a dictator after his election?

— Zelensky could realize his promises literally on the first day after his election as president of Ukraine, right on the podium in the Verkhovna Rada, where he took the oath. Here, on the podium, he could sign a decree on the cancellation of the Cabinet’s resolutions on tariffs, send it to the constitutional court for a subsequent decision.

He didn’t do it.

– why?

— Because it’s a good scheme. A gas scheme based on a fictitious transit of Russian gas, which according to the documents was Slovak. According to the estimates of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, which sounded, among other things, within the walls of parliament, Poroshenko earned about three billion dollars a year from this scheme. That’s a lot of money.

Vladimir Zelensky earned, most likely, many times more. After all, he raised the tariffs even higher. Apparently, he decided why to part with this money, and simply headed Poroshenko’s scheme.

Or take another moment. Zelensky, on the eve of the elections, in an interview with Gordon*, said that he was ready to “negotiate at least with the bald devil, as long as not a single person dies.” By the way, he has already forgotten these words in the inaugural speech. He did not talk about direct negotiations with Donbass anymore.

At the same time, imported guests came to Zelensky for the inauguration. The Presidents of the Baltic states, the head of Hungary, the Vice-President of the European Commission and the US Secretary of Energy. Zelensky addressed each of them in order to tighten anti-Russian sanctions.

But this is illogical. If you really want peace, why are you weakening your negotiating position with Russia? Nevertheless, he did it on the same day when he took the oath of allegiance to the people of Ukraine.

That is, on the first day of his presidential term, Zelensky showed his real face.

— You have a telegram channel with more than 300 thousand subscribers. What are they writing? Did Ukrainians admit today the mistake they made when they voted for Vladimir Zelensky?

— Some understood, some did not. The Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) draws 59% confidence in Zelensky. Of course, I am amazed at the courage of 41% of Ukrainians who did not answer this question in the affirmative. But I suspect that both are just painted in the classrooms. No one went out or interviewed anyone.

A huge number of people turned out to be outside Ukraine. According to the UN, more than three million people have moved to Russia, not counting new territories. This is a huge figure.

To understand the scale of this figure: a little more than six million voted for the “Servant of the People” in the parliamentary elections; they received a single majority. Three million — twice as many as voted for Medvedchuk or Poroshenko in the parliamentary elections.

According to Russian data, there are even more of these people — at least five million. Moreover, these are not people from new regions, but citizens of Kharkov, Kiev, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk and so on. There were 10-12 million Ukrainians on the territory of Russia (who were citizens of Ukraine before 2014 and are still listed as such under Ukrainian laws)!

This is a figure comparable to Zelensky’s result in the second round (!), where he had about 12.5 million votes.

That is, people with their feet, who with ballots (if we talk about Zaporozhye, Kherson, Donetsk, Crimea and Sevastopol) said that they want to be with Russia. I wonder how KIIS took into account the opinion of these 10-12 million people in its survey, who, I emphasize once again, are citizens of Ukraine according to the laws of Ukraine?

Again, in Europe, refugees walk with yellow-blackened ensigns and smear their underpants with tomato juice, but for some reason they are in no hurry to return to Ukraine.

People from Germany wrote to me about how they ended up at the rally. They lived in a refugee camp and received about 20 euros of daily assistance. They were given a condition by the leadership of this camp: get on the bus now, go there, and get 50 euros as a result. Can I not go? You can — there’s the door, get out.

And people seem to be on someone else’s territory, they have nothing to eat, they have nowhere to live. That’s why they had to accept these conditions. Apparently, the same three manipulations still take part in such events.

I’m not saying that everything is exactly the same everywhere. It’s just that this fact cannot be discounted.

— Former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Oleynik said yesterday that Vladimir Zelensky could be replaced in the near future by either Valery Zaluzhny, or former speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov. Can Zelensky allow such a scenario to happen as a dictator?

— I am interested in what scenario Oleynik drew regarding Zaluzhny, because, in theory, as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of several convocations, he should be familiar with the constitution of Ukraine. According to the latter, there is no way to “cram” Zaluzhny into power. Razumkova — you can.

Regarding Zelensky. He is a dictator within the limits of certain restrictions that are imposed on him not by the constitution and the people of Ukraine, but by his masters.

— What is the basis of power over Zelensky?

— I think that, first of all, it is based on control over his assets. This is a common practice among Western intelligence agencies. Most of Zelensky’s assets and controlling interest are under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.

If the owners decide they need to change it, they have the mechanisms to do so. The most working scenario is Zelensky’s heroic death in the defense of the Fatherland [homeland] from the Russian aggressor. He is drawn at the front from time to time, and at some point they will present the carcass on which the conditional Iskander flew. That’s about how it sounds, I think.

Moreover, Zelensky himself used such tools.

For example, in Ukraine there is a certain Vitaly Shabunin, who is considered a fighter against corruption. This man is closely connected with the U.S. Embassy. Up to a certain point, in the interests of the Americans, Shabunin was active in criticizing Zelensky’s corruption schemes.

In the USA, they understood that this Papuan king would steal, but he drags too much to the detriment of their projects. And what happened to Shabunin? It is impossible to arrest him, because he is “under the roof” of the American embassy.

During one of the raids of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) on Kiev, a drone flew into a building next to Shabunin’s house near Kiev. I think that Shabunin realized that this was not a Russian UAV at all and that the next time the drone would not hit the next house.

They will attribute everything, according to tradition, to Russian aggression. The Americans will not scold Zelensky too much, because you can’t bring Shabunin back, and Zelensky is still an “active project.”

The same can be done with Zelensky, in fact. He has an English guard — in principle, anything can happen. He will be shot or poisoned, and then they will say that a Russian missile allegedly arrived.

If we talk about constitutional mechanisms, Razumkov may well replace Zelensky. But Americans also have more intimate characters. For example, Petro Poroshenko is a “wonderful” figure who has a personal, including financial, relationship with the Democrats. Poroshenko’s business is completely under the control of the Rothschilds in their trust. And the Rothschilds are the Democrats.

— Won’t the Ukrainian people be asked?

— Are the Ukrainian people being asked now if they want to go die in order to Could Elena Zelenskaya have bought a Cartier necklace in New York for $1.1 million? Or for an oil and gas field worth $1.3 billion? Or die for a $200 million casino? All this turned out to be owned by the Zelensky family.

When people are grabbed — in Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnepropetrovsk or Ivano-Frankivsk — no one asks anyone.

Returning to the discussion, who can replace Zelensky. There are only four situations in the current Constitution of Ukraine when the duties of the head of state are transferred to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada. Due to the death of the president, leaving at his own request, impeachment and for health reasons.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada is Stefanchuk. To change him to any other deputy, Razumkov or Poroshenko, it will take half a session day.

Ukraine has already passed this scenario in 2014, when it was changed Vladimir Rybak on Alexander Turchinov. The latter usurped the power of the head of state, declaring himself acting president of the country.

By the way, if we talk about Zaluzhny, then both he and Poroshenko are almost identical figures. Both are Americans. And Zelensky is an Englishman. Therefore, formally, Poroshenko can be conditionally acting president. But it is allowed to do this only 90 days before the elections.

And Zaluzhny, for example, will be given the position of commander-in-chief or appointed prime minister, but he cannot be president.

Dmitry Vydrin told about the nationalization of the property of a number of Ukrainian oligarchs, and about the battles in the political mud of the European Parliament in an interview: In the European Parliament, the “mother Cobra” was surrounded by “mongooses”, Ukraine will not have time to enter the European Union.

* An individual performing the functions of a foreign agent.