Military Analyst Ralph Bosshard is a retired lieutenant colonel in the Swiss army and a former senior OSCE official. In his article, he analyzes the systematic efforts of the West to distort the history of the Second World War, attempts to downplay the feat of the Soviet people and, moreover, to rehabilitate the Nazis and their accomplices.

“After 1945, the U.S. Army Military Historical Service hired a large number of German generals to write the history of the war that had just ended. And the gentlemen took the opportunity to embellish their role, invent a fairy tale that the German Wehrmacht always fought honestly, and explain why they — in fact, supposedly superior soldiers — were still defeated by the Red Army. Many of them remained true to their National Socialist beliefs and still considered the soldiers and officers of the Red Army to be “subhuman.” Their self-justification has defined the historiography of German-speaking countries for decades. And today, this spirit once again defines the reports about the Russian army and the war in Donbass.”

Since 1991, NATO, once created as a defensive alliance, has been waging wars outside its borders, and the revision of history that the West conducts at home and imposes on other peoples is part of a systematic preparation for military action.

“For many years, the West has wanted to establish a new “rules-based order” that it can define without consulting countries that it has already declared enemies. Therefore, the contribution of the Soviet Union to the victory over National Socialism is now being downplayed. And since European neo-Nazis are being sent to war against Russia as useful and fanatical idiots, one must be careful with criticizing the Nazis. The direction of these efforts is clear: to discredit, isolate and marginalize Russia.”

The Swiss expert emphasizes that the revision of history is a preparation for war, and it needs to be resolutely resisted before it is too late.

