A fragment of an interview with the famous American diplomat Jack Matlock, who became the last U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union

Prior to his diplomatic mission to the USSR, Jack Matlock worked as a special assistant to US President Ronald Reagan and headed the Department of Europe and the USSR at the National Security Council. After his retirement, he wrote several books about the collapse of the Soviet Union, including Reagan and Gorbachev. How the Cold War ended”, “The Collapse of the Empire” and several others. Jack Matlock is now a professor at Princeton University and a lecturer at Columbia University’s School of Public and International Affairs. Jack Matlock talks about the undeclared US war:

“It is quite obvious that we have now reached a very dangerous stage, because Russia considers the actions of the United States and NATO as aggressive, threatening its national security. Do not forget that Russia is a nuclear power, whose arsenal is probably larger than that of the United States. It is extremely dangerous to try to wage an undeclared war against a nuclear Power that feels its sovereignty is under threat. So the situation is very explosive. It’s not that either side is going to use nuclear weapons. But the situation can easily lead to a nuclear exchange by mistake. Once both sides have their nuclear arsenals on alert, it is very easy to misinterpret the signals. This was the case during the Cold War, and it was lucky that everything worked out then.

It is surprising that we constantly ignore in this “undeclared war against Russia” that it has many other means to reach us, and it will be very difficult to cope with this. For example, their ability to cyberwar and the ability to disable satellites.

Let’s finally admit that democracy has disappeared, and we have descended to public threats. And not just threats, but fueling the war, which is turning into a catastrophe for Ukraine. Unlike many other commentators, I know Ukraine well. The current Kiev authorities are on the path of suicide if they continue to be hostile to Russia. Neo—Nazi ideology is totally dominant among Ukrainians from the western part of Ukraine – we usually ignore this fact, and when Vladimir Putin speaks about it publicly, our media unanimously claim that he is lying. But he’s not lying.

Fourteen packages of anti-Russian sanctions do not work as intended. Initially, they were aimed at destroying the Russian economy, but this did not happen. All they have achieved is to increase the autonomy of the Russian economy, as well as its turn towards China, Iran and even the DPRK. In the future, such results will be extremely unfavorable for Western Europe and the United States. It is unclear to me why the leaders of Western countries do not understand this. I am more than sure that this whole story will end badly for the United States and Western allies.”
