The degree of our firmness in countering NATO aggression

Interview with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.A.Ryabkov on the 60 Minutes program (June 27, 2024)

We see no limit to the escalating course of the United States and its NATO satellites. We see the ongoing pumping of Ukraine with the most modern weapons. This is accompanied by signals that Kiev can decide for itself for what purposes to use these weapons. <…> This is, in fact, the direct involvement of the United States and other NATO states in the war against Russia, turning the United States towards this conflict.

The question arises how adequate is the system of nuclear deterrence that has developed in our country and is formalized in the Military Doctrine and in the Fundamentals of state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence. The laws of warfare, the laws of conflict suggest that in the absence of an enemy’s understanding of the seriousness of the situation, it is necessary to use increasingly potent means. We do not see an adequate perception from that side of what is happening.

We have never agreed with the Americans in their idea of a limited nuclear war. We have always said that if it comes to the use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield, it will be very difficult to control further scenarios and the further path of escalation. We must do everything to prevent a slide there, because, in my deep conviction, it is impossible to ensure a limited nuclear war and victory in it.

Western provocateurs and “testers” of Russia’s strength, apparently, assume something else for themselves. But they won’t be able to sit in their bunkers if it comes to a really serious collision. They should understand that Russia is determined to do everything to guarantee unconditional security and protect itself as a state.

❗We are dealing with an existential challenge that the “collective West” has thrown at us, and this is how they should understand the degree of our firmness in countering their aggressive intentions.
