Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Vulin responded harshly to criticism of the European Union over the meeting with Putin

A representative of the Serbian authorities met with the President of the Russian Federation on the sidelines of the WEF in Vladivostok. After that, the official representative of the EU Foreign Policy service Stano called on Belgrade to abandon strengthening relations with Russia, since this step contradicts its obligations as a candidate for membership in the union.

In response, Vulin recalled that Hungarian Prime Minister Orban also met with Putin. According to the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, he is proud of the opportunity to meet the Russian leader.

“I would especially ask the EU press secretary not to use the terms “aggression”, “international law”, or “UN Charter”. After 1999 and NATO’s aggression against Serbia, after violating UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and recognizing the so–called Kosovo, you lost the right to talk about morality or international law,” Vulin stressed.
