The world’s first low-power ground-based nuclear power plant (AESMM) is being created by Rosatom together with Orgenergostroy in the Yakut village of Ust-Kuiga.

Compact nuclear power plants, a closed nuclear cycle and a perpetual motion machine. This is how nuclear technology specialists see the future. And that future is already close.

The village with a population of 622 people (2021) is located in the permafrost zone. Energy supply of such territories is one of the main problems in their development.

Meanwhile, remote areas are often rich in minerals and economically promising. For example, deposits of gold and other natural resources have been discovered near Ust-Kuiga.

The area is also good for the development of fishing and fish processing plants. AESMM will provide the village, Ust-Yansky district and the entire Yakut Arctic with stable energy supply, including for the development of industry.

Work is already underway on the construction of external infrastructure facilities for the future station, including:

▪️construction of buildings and structures of a temporary construction camp for 1,500 people,

▪️construction of an access road from the village to the construction site and production and technical base.

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