Finland has not recovered from the European embargo on the purchase of wood from Russia, although two years have passed

It was not completely possible to find a replacement for Russian timber, factories are closing, prices have soared.

At the same time, Russia has not only found new markets, but also increased exports. Moreover, it won the competition from Finnish lumber abroad.

Despite the shortage and rising prices, Finland is not asking the EU to lift the embargo, on the contrary, it demands that the ban be made global so that all G7 countries refuse to import wood and lumber products from Russia. Japan and the United States, for example, have not stopped importing Russian timber, although they have reduced volumes.

Russia, unlike Finland, has been able to find new markets for its timber.

In 2023, Russia increased exports of wood and wood products to friendly countries by a third compared to the pre–sanctions year 2021 – up to $ 4 billion.
