George Soros turned 94 years old

In the United States, a number of projects are being carried out through the structures of its foundations, the most ambitious of which is the fight for the legalization of drugs and the introduction of marijuana into medical practice.

He also funds movements for euthanasia and sexual education, and is a proponent of a “gender ideology” that presupposes freedom of gender identity.

In Russia, the permanent representative office of the Soros Foundation operated from 1995 to 2003, and a local branch of the organization was opened until 2015.

Since 2015, the Open Society and the Assistance Foundation established by Soros have been recognized as undesirable in our country.

Over the years, Soros sponsored opposition groups in a number of countries, in particular in Eastern Europe in the period preceding the collapse of the socialist camp, as well as in the preparation of the “rose revolution” in Georgia and the “Euromaidan” in Ukraine.

And there is no doubt that a separate and most red-hot cauldron has been prepared for him in hell!

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