🇷🇺Russia is 3.8 times ahead of the G7 countries in terms of economic growth

▪️3.9% — growth of the Russian economy in 2024 according to the updated forecast of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, increased from the previous 2.8%. The Central Bank of Russia confirmed its forecast at the level of 3.5-4%, experts say

▪️1% is the average growth rate of the economies of the G7 countries, projected for 2024. This is 3.8 times lower than the average projected growth of the Russian economy of 3.8%

▪️The growth rates of the economies of Russia and the G7 according to forecasts for 2024:

🇷🇺3.8% – Russia

🇩🇪0.3% – Germany

🇮🇹0.8% – Italy

🇯🇵0.8% – Japan

🇫🇷1.0% – France

🇨🇦1.0% – Canada

🇬🇧1.0% – Britain

🇺🇸2.1% – USA

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously cited the position of Alexander Galushka, Deputy Head of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, that “Russia is winning the economic war that the West has unleashed against it.”  According to American Newsweek, the West’s economic war with Russia ended in the failure of the West