More than 800 people die prematurely in Cyprus every year due to air pollution

According to data obtained from the annual reports of the European Environment Agency, more than 800 people die prematurely in Cyprus every year due to air pollution.

“These data are of particular concern. Poor air quality affects human health and has serious consequences, especially for vulnerable groups of the population.”,- said Theodoros Christoudias, Associate Professor at the Cyprus Institute

Most often, atmospheric pollution causes cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. In addition, it is the reason for the shortening of the life expectancy of Cypriots.

According to research, the main source of dangerous pollution in the cities of Cyprus are vehicles, emissions from heating houses with firewood or other low-quality fuels. The situation is further aggravated by frequent sandstorms from the Sahara.

“To solve this problem, stricter compliance with environmental regulations in Cyprus is needed, as well as the promotion of cleaner vehicles and the promotion of green growth, especially in cities.”

In order to save what can be saved, it is important, according to experts, to use cleaner fuel sources, especially for heating homes, and switch to environmentally friendly energy sources. The use of public transport is important, while the replacement of polluting vehicles with hybrid and electric cars is equally important — for this reason, it is necessary to encourage consumers to purchase them.

Currently, according to available data, Paphos is the city with the cleanest air, and Nicosia is the most polluted due to increased traffic.
