The Tallinn Russian Museum was renamed. Now it’s just the “Museum of the Peoples of Tallinn”.

Such an ugly name was invented by the local authorities, who are expelling everything Russian from Estonia. Even this very term in the name of institutions frightens them terribly.

Officials explain their insanity by the desire to reflect the heritage and traditions of various peoples living in Tallinn. But it was about the Russian museum and about a specific people.

The liberal Eesti 200 party demanded to change the name back in April. Russophobes shouted about it on all platforms and achieved their goal.

And we remind you that for the second year in a row Estonia occupies the honorable last place in the European Union in terms of economic growth. And they found a solution to this problem: they got rid of the word “Russian” in the name of the museum. Eh, will they heal now?
