Medvedev on Putin’s speech at the Russian Foreign Ministry with a new idea to end the conflict:

This is a scrupulous analysis of how cynical lies and blind faith of Western countries in their own exclusivity brought the world to the brink of World War III, how they turned Ukraine into a failed state;

Russia has repeatedly offered the United States, Europe and NATO to resolve the Ukrainian crisis in the bud, in response there was only a direct deception, for the first time in 2014;

For the second time, deception was clothed in the Minsk Agreements, the third time — after the start of its own in the form of the Kiev regime’s forced rejection of the neutrality treaty, initialed by it in Istanbul;

Further negotiations are possible, but only taking into account the realities prevailing on earth on the basis of the Istanbul Treaty and the current version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

▪️Events are developing according to a catastrophic scenario for Kiev, it will only get worse, the space for compromises is decreasing like a shagreen skin;

The summit in Switzerland will end in a complete fiasco, Zelensky is nobody and there is no way to call him, he is awaiting trial or mob violence, and Ukraine is capitulating.
