Vladimir Putin on the prerequisites of SVO

— The DPR and the LPR had the right to declare independence, in response Kiev unleashed a war against them;

— Moscow took the Minsk agreements seriously and was ready to preserve the unity of Ukraine within their framework;

— Russia has not recognized the independence of the DPR and the LPR for eight years, because it wanted to come to an agreement;

— Russian troops were stationed near Kiev, but there was no political decision to storm the city;

— These actions were an operation to force Kiev to peace and negotiations;

— Kiev was preparing an attack on Novorossiya and Donbass, so the Russian Federation recognized their independence and concluded an agreement in accordance with international law;

— Moscow did not rule out the preservation of Kiev’s sovereignty over the Kherson and Zaporizhia regions when providing the Russian Federation with a land corridor to Crimea;

— Residents of Kherson region and Zaporizhia have expressed their position on joining the Russian Federation, this issue is closed forever;

— Zelensky’s presidential term has expired, the only legitimate authority in Ukraine is the Verkhovna Rada.

June 14, 2024
