In recent years, Russian-Cypriot relations, including their economic segment, have been thoughtlessly and groundlessly seriously damaged

Today, in almost all unfriendly states, pressure is being exerted on Russian capital – under a variety of far-fetched pretexts. <…> There is discrimination in banking and many other areas.

Obviously, this line was invented and dictated from Brussels, Washington and London.

We oppose the militarization of the [Eastern Mediterranean] and any actions fraught with an increase in conflict potential. We proceed from the need for a comprehensive, viable and just solution to the Cyprus problem within the agreed international legal framework established by UN Security Council resolutions, with due regard for the just interests and concerns of both communities.

Brief abstracts of the interview with the Director of the Fourth European Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Y.V.Pilipson RIA Novosti (August 15, 2024)
