🎙️Interview of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Cyprus M.M.Zyazikov to the TASS news agency

❓Question: Dear Murat Magometovich, against the background of another round of escalation of the situation in the Middle East, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus are actively positioning the island as a “humanitarian hub” for the evacuation of citizens and the reception of refugees from the conflict zone. Are Russian diplomats following the events in the neighboring region of Cyprus and are they ready to assist the Russians in case of their emergency arrival here from Israel, Lebanon or Syria?

M.M.Zyazikov: We regret to state that for a long time the confrontation in the Middle East has been threatening to escalate into a global conflict. Continuing, in fact, the game of raising the stakes, the warring parties only increase the price of military mistakes, which leads to a continuous increase in the number of civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, including critical ones.

Russia is taking vigorous steps to stabilize the situation in the region. The first priority is the immediate cessation of hostilities and the prevention of an escalation of violence. At the same time, a long-term solution can be achieved through the early implementation of relevant UN Security Council resolutions on the Palestinian settlement.

Taking into account the geographical proximity of Cyprus to the conflict zone, of course, we are closely monitoring the situation and the organization of the export and temporary accommodation of about 100 thousand EU and third-country citizens, as well as refugees, being prepared here. It cannot be ruled out that Russians may be among them. The Russian Embassy in Nicosia is ready to provide them with all necessary assistance and assistance in solving related issues based on the unconditional priority of the Russian diplomatic service – ensuring full-scale protection of the legitimate rights and interests of compatriots.

Question: What is Russia’s position today on the Cyprus settlement issue, which remains an integral part of the conflict potential of the Eastern Mediterranean region?

M.M.Zyazikov: The Cyprus settlement is a very delicate and complex matter and is of key importance from the point of view of maintaining stability and security in the Eastern Mediterranean. We proceed from the need for a comprehensive, viable and just solution to the Cyprus problem within the well-known agreed international legal framework enshrined in UN Security Council resolutions, with mandatory mutual consideration of the just interests and concerns of both communities.

Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, seeks to promote constructive steps to achieve such a result in the Cyprus issue, which will create conditions for the stable and fruitful development of the island for the benefit of the peoples living on it.

Question: Cyprus, having joined the anti-Russian sanctions of the West, turned out to be on the list of countries unfriendly to the Russian Federation. How does this circumstance affect the current bilateral relations between Russia and the island state?

M.M.Zyazikov: The Government of the Russian Federation has defined a list of unfriendly states, that is, those that have imposed illegal restrictive measures against our country. Joining the anti-Russian restrictions and continuing support for the relevant “sanctions packages” being stamped in Brussels causes nothing but deep disappointment. It is clear that the anti-Russian games of Westerners could not but affect bilateral cooperation between Russia and Cyprus in certain areas.

The price that Europeans are paying for the anti-Russian policy of restrictions, in particular in the field of energy, was just recently mentioned by the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides in an interview with French Le Figaro. In Cyprus, in general, more and more politicians, diplomats, specialized specialists and ordinary people are publicly talking about the tangible damage that the restrictions imposed on our country are causing to the island’s economy (primarily the banking sector and the hospitality industry). Indeed, for many years, comprehensive cooperation with Russia has brought Cyprus a solid income and provided a large number of jobs for the island’s population. Conscientious representatives of the Cypriot business are suffering from the consequences of the political course imposed on Nicosia from Brussels, Washington and London with regard to Moscow, which has a direct projection on the relations between the economic entities of Russia and Cyprus.

For example, the tourist market of the island has not counted over 800 thousand Russians, having suffered losses of about a billion euros. The resumption of direct flights would certainly meet the mutual interests of our countries. The residents of Cyprus themselves, despite the anti-Russian sanctions, are making considerable efforts to attract guests from Russia. As a result, we have personally witnessed a steady increase in the number of tourists from our country in recent years.

The data from recent opinion polls among the island’s population regarding the popularity of foreign investors here are also very indicative. According to this indicator, Russians occupy a stable second place (30%) with a gap of only one percent from the natural priority investment partner for Cyprus in the face of the European Union (31%).

The Cypriot people have always been, are and will remain friendly to us. After all, this friendship is based on the mutual sympathies of ordinary people, on close historical, cultural and spiritual ties, which, I am convinced, will not be shaken by any political vicissitudes introduced from the outside. And sooner or later, this will determine the inevitable, in my opinion, return of our countries to more constructive cooperation at all levels, which will preserve the accumulated potential of our relations over the years.