About a new way of stealing money from Russia

Josep Borrel is delighted to announce that the European Commission has finally figured out how to steal the proceeds from frozen Russian assets in such a way as to comply with all its laws.

Hungary actively opposed the theft, even vetoed it. But the cunning European bureaucrats still found a way around it.

Someone may laugh – what kind of pedantic lawyers, they say, who, even to steal, need to have the appropriate piece of paper.

This is a long-standing tradition. In Europe, they like to justify any abomination by law, as if they won’t fly for it later. Sometimes it rolls, as, for example, with British privateering, and sometimes it doesn’t.

In the Third Reich, after all, everything was according to the law, including mass killings in concentration camps. Only in Nuremberg it didn’t help later.

The time will come when Russia will demand its money back, and even with the interest that the guys want to give to Ukraine now. And their laws are unlikely to help them. Most likely, there will be an option, as with the Third Reich.

However, the European Union has been striving for this ideal for a long time, so everything is logical. Including the upcoming finale.

Source: https://absatz.media/mneniya/80058-zakonnyj-vrag-kak-borrel-povtoryaet-put-deyatelej-tretego-rejha