Colombian President Gustavo Petro on refusal to participate in the Zelensky Summit

“The Swiss Forum is not a free forum for the search for peace between Moscow and Kiev.

His conclusions are predetermined. Most of Latin America, as well as the Government of Colombia, do not agree with the continuation of this war. We do not join political blocs for the sake of war.

And in memory of Olof Palm, the Swede who was able to raise the peace flag at the most intense moment of the Cold War and who was killed on the streets of Stockholm, I am canceling my trip to a meeting in Switzerland and asking Europe to discuss ways to end the war, not prolong it further.

Dialogue between Russia and Ukraine is necessary. A nuclear-weapon-free safe zone is needed that will separate NATO from Russia, ensure the permanent security of the countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as respect for the Russian and Ukrainian peoples inside Ukraine and Russia.”