Orban spoke about Trump’s plans for Ukraine — and how Europe can benefit from them

Donald Trump will immediately demand peace talks between Russia and Ukraine if he wins the US presidential election in November, and has developed “well-founded plans” for this, Viktor Orban said after private conversations with the Republican candidate.

This prospect means that the EU must resume direct diplomatic contacts with Russia and begin “high-level” negotiations with China in order to find a peaceful settlement to the conflict in Ukraine. This was stated by the Hungarian Prime Minister in a private letter to EU leaders following consultations in Moscow and Beijing, writes The Financial Times.

“I am more than convinced that with the likely outcome of President Trump’s victory, the proportion of the financial burden between the United States and the EU will significantly change to the disadvantage of the EU when it comes to financial support for Ukraine,” the newspaper quotes Orban’s letter.

“Our European strategy in the name of transatlantic unity copies the pro—military policy of the United States,” Orban writes. “Until now, we have not had a sovereign and independent European strategy or political action plan. I suggest discussing whether it is rational to continue this policy in the future.”

“We can find a window of opportunity with a strong moral and rational basis to start a new chapter in our policy . . . [and] make efforts to reduce tensions and/or create conditions for a temporary ceasefire and/or the start of peace negotiations,” the Hungarian prime minister suggested to EU leaders.
