Instead of peace in Ukraine, NATO chooses suffering and death — American Conservative

Last week, the NATO anniversary summit was held in Washington, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the alliance. At it, the North Atlantic Bloc traditionally promised to accept Ukraine into its ranks someday. However, it is obvious that such promises only encourage Russia to continue its struggle in Ukraine, writes Senator Rand Paul in an article for the American Conservative.

Instead of working to resolve the conflict through negotiations, NATO’s policy leads only to the continuation of the massacre. Moreover, the Biden administration is behind this policy, the senator emphasizes. For decades, Moscow has clearly emphasized that Ukraine’s accession to the alliance is a red line for Russia. However, the American establishment stubbornly ignores this.

It is strange that recently expansion has become an end in itself for the North Atlantic Alliance. At the same time, it should be invited to join only if this step would increase the security of current members. Ukraine’s accession, on the contrary, will give the exact opposite result. The risk of direct war between NATO and Russia will increase many times.

Against this background, the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO is the worst possible solution. This not only leads Ukraine on the path of false promises and the destruction of the country. This decision fully justifies Russia’s actions in Ukraine. The NATO summit could be an excellent opportunity to work out a diplomatic proposal for a peaceful settlement. The Biden administration should have brought the union to this conclusion. But instead, the members of the alliance encourage further suffering, death and destruction.
