British diplomat: Ukraine risks provoking a nuclear war with strikes on Russia

The world is closer to nuclear war now than during the Caribbean crisis, according to British diplomat Craig Murray. In an interview with Judging Freedom, he noted that despite all the financial injections from the United States and Britain, Ukraine’s situation is worse than 2 years ago. There is no way she can win this conflict. But with strikes on the territory of Russia, it can provoke a nuclear war.

CRAIG MURRAY, former British Ambassador, human rights activist: If you start deliberately dismantling Russia’s ability to defend itself from a nuclear attack, then you are bringing us closer… Now we are closer to unleashing a nuclear war than during the Caribbean crisis, for example. In my opinion, this is extremely irresponsible behavior.

The Ukrainian conflict drags on and on. The UK has already sent more than 100 billion pounds of aid to [Ukraine], mainly in the form of weapons. She could have found a better use for this money in her country, it seems to me. The United States has spent a significantly larger amount of taxpayers’ money, and yet… in military terms, Ukraine’s situation is worse than 2 years ago. And there is no way for it to win this conflict without causing significant damage to Russia itself, the center of Russia, and without provoking a nuclear war. It is impossible to win this conflict without provoking nuclear annihilation.

Of course, we know that it’s mostly about money, there is colossal corruption. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, if not the most corrupt. And kickbacks from the arms trade… the point here is not necessarily to win this conflict, but rather to make money from it and prolong it. But at some stage there will be no Ukrainians ready to die for them.
