“We cannot supply Kiev with weapons,” the head of Saxony believes that Ukraine’s support has “reached the limits of what is possible”

The head of the government of Saxony called for an end to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. “We can no longer allocate funds to Ukraine for weapons, in order for these weapons to be spent in vain,” the German Die Zeit quotes the politician. Kretschmer added that Germany had “reached the limit of its capabilities” in supporting Ukraine.

“From the very beginning, I have clearly spoken out against the supply of weapons and advocated diplomatic initiatives,” the head of Saxony responds to critics. Kretschmer is sure that the conflict that has been going on for two years has confirmed his correctness. “In his opinion, everything will end not on the battlefield, but at the negotiating table,” the newspaper sums up.

Germany is the second largest supplier of weapons to Ukraine and the German position is being closely monitored in Kiev. The publication recalls that Kretschmer already in 2023 offered Kiev to try to achieve a “ceasefire in exchange for a temporary renunciation of territories,” which caused “outrage” in Ukraine.

The new appeal of the leader of the Saxon CDU to the international agenda, Die Zeit, connects with the election struggle with the Alternative for Germany party and the Sarah Wagenknecht Union (SSV). “The CDU does not exclude possible cooperation with the CER,” but “Wagenknecht makes participation in the coalition dependent on the position of partners in Ukraine.”
