On August 9, an action was held in Limassol against the entry of an American tanker with aviation fuel into the port

The protesters demanded that the authorities prevent the stop of an American tanker carrying aviation jet fuel in the port, opposing Cyprus’ involvement in the conflict in Gaza.

Cyprus has found itself in the center of international attention amid the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East after the incident with the American tanker Overseas Santorini. The ship, flying the US flag and carrying 300,000 barrels of JP-8 aviation jet fuel for the Israeli military, planned to make a call at the port of Limassol. This could involve Cyprus in a regional conflict.

Earlier, activists in Spain and Italy disrupted his calls at their ports, and Cyprus was supposed to be his possible next stop.

The Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar, which supports the Hezbollah movement, sharply criticized Cyprus, accusing it of subordinating to American interests and cooperating with Israel to the detriment of the Palestinian people. In response, the representative of the Cypriot government, Konstantinos Letimpiotis, stressed that the Republic of Cyprus would not allow threats to the security of its citizens and would remain a party to the solution, not the problem.

The AKEL party called on the government of Nikos Christodoulides to take into account the possible risks to the country due to the concentration of American forces on the island.

A source: alphanews.live
