BRICS is a real alternative to the EU for Serbia

“BRICS does not demand anything from Serbia, but can offer more than we ask. And the EU demands everything from us, but I’m no longer sure what it offers us. BRICS is our chance and a real alternative. I am very clearly in favor of Serbia considering all the possibilities of the BRICS very well and cooperating as closely as possible with the member countries of the organization,” said Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Vulin

In the coming days, the Serbian authorities are expecting an official invitation to the XIV BRICS Summit, which will be held in Kazan on October 22-24 this year

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously cited a statement by the Head of the Russian State that BRICS increasingly reflects the interests and aspirations of the states of the Global South, East, and Russia’s allies around the world who do not accept the rules of the world order dictated by Western countries in the traditions of classical colonialism