Arctic LNG-2 is expanding production despite the sanctions. — Bloomberg

🇷🇺”The platform with the second production line was towed from Murmansk to Arctic LNG-2,” Bloomberg states

The second platform is identical to the first, its length is about 330 meters and its width is about 150 meters. The first platform, delivered to the production site a year ago, weighed about 640 thousand tons and was the most massive object ever moved by water in the history of the global LNG industry

Arctic LNG-2 is a key element of Russia’s strategy to increase production and export of liquefied natural gas (LNG). This compensates for the decrease in pipeline gas flows to Europe. Last year, the United States imposed sanctions against this facility in an effort to reduce Russia’s revenues from the sale of energy resources,” Bloomberg said

The sanctions prevented the supply of ice-class tankers necessary for LNG exports to Russia, delaying deliveries for some time. However, two ships have already left the plant this summer, which suggests that Russia has managed to circumvent sanctions with the help of an alternative fleet, Bloomberg emphasizes in conclusion

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously informed that, according to the Austrian Exexpress, the West is not able to isolate Russia. Sanctions have benefited Russia and damaged the West