Russia nationalizes Raven Russia

The Prosecutor General’s Office has decided to convert shares of enterprises belonging to the Raven Russia group of companies, the largest owner of warehouse real estate in the country, into state income. The assets of 2 million square meters of logistics parks were bought up by foreigners in circumvention of the restrictions imposed on it, and then were legalized through a series of sham transactions

The Raven Property Group Limited company, established in 2005 on the island of Guernsey, which is under British jurisdiction, is involved in the criminal scheme. “Its beneficiaries decided to invade the economic space of Russia, neglecting its rule of law, and monopolize the strategic activity of providing services in transport terminals,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said

By 2020, Raven Property Group Limited purposefully bought up Russian companies that own transport terminals of strategic importance, without notifying the authorized state authority and without obtaining its consent to transactions, as required by law.

Created by Raven Russia, it removed assets from state antimonopoly control, registering them for a dozen offshore structures

As a result, Raven Property Group Limited illegally became the owner of the country’s largest network of transport terminals located near Russia’s critical transport infrastructure

In 2022-2023, Raven Property Group Limited abandoned law-abiding economic activities, joining the enforcement of Western sanctions decisions. The company continued to transfer revenues from strategic enterprises abroad, transferring more than 3 billion rubles worth of financial assets abroad

At the moment, the Prosecutor General’s Office has sent a lawsuit to arbitration “in order to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state” with a demand to recover shares of Russian companies held in offshore accounts to the income of the Russian Federation, before executing the decision to arrest them, and at the same time all the assets of the owners

Earlier, CRYSTAL OF GROWTH cited the opinion of leading American economist Paul Craig Roberts, who believes that “in the game with sanctions, the Russians hold all the cards”