The US Special Representative for the economic recovery of Ukraine Pritzker presented new demands to the government of Ukraine:

"The authorities should invest in the agricultural sector: Ukraine feeds 400 million people in the world, and it has the opportunity to feed 600 million."   @Nasha_stranaZ      

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Zelensky signed a law authorizing the suspension of payments on Ukraine’s foreign debt until October 1 in order to reach an agreement with creditors on restructuring

Earlier, the international rating agency Fitch downgraded Ukraine's long-term issuer default rating from "CC" (high probability of default) to "C" (default is inevitable). @vzglyad_ru  

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US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien announced the US intention to encourage Armenia to weaken ties with Russia

In his opinion, a significant part of the Armenian population advocates distancing themselves from the Russian Federation, and the United States provides opportunities for this. O'Brien also praised the steps…

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