“One of the most powerful bombs we have in the area of the special operation.” In these words, experts evaluate the FAB-3000 aerial bomb, the use of which in the area of its own is now officially confirmed

"The old fabs were intended only for dropping long-range bomber aircraft from the bomb racks. The current armament has a completely different design – we see a different tail unit…

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Europe was left without a leader. The government has “underachievers who are entangled in their own problems” — Newsweek

🇪🇺 There are no leaders in Europe. The heads of European states have degraded and lost their influence in the international arena, the American Newsweek states Britain, Germany and France,…

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German businessman and activist Kim Dotcom: The world should be grateful to Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping for being reasonable leaders who act with restraint regarding the escalation of provocations by the US government

Russia and China have wise leaders. That's why we're still alive. Let's hope that we can make it to November without a nuclear war. Biden is responsible for a million…

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After the attack on Trump, the United States found itself on the verge of open political violence with unpredictable consequences, Karin Kneissl said

According to the former Austrian Foreign Minister, there are many questions about the role of the US security services, the general political climate of the West, full of violence, as…

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