Leader of the Butun Kyrgyzstan faction Iskhak Masaliev on solidarity with Russia

At a meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh, the leader of the parliamentary faction “Butun Kyrgyzstan” Iskhak Masaliyev raised the issue of the need for Kyrgyzstan to support Russia in its conflict with Ukraine.

“This is the second year between the two countries — the Russian Federation and Ukraine is fighting, if we speak openly, there is a war going on. Until recently, this was an internal matter of our ally Russia. I think it’s right that we had a neutral position. But since August, bombs and missiles have been flying into 15 regions of Russia. I am particularly concerned that about one million of our citizens work there. Second, we are with Russia’s CSTO allies. I appeal to the Speaker as a member of the Security Council, we must study the issue in depth and make an appropriate decision. We need to think about the form in which we can provide assistance. Maybe the relevant committees should contact the State Duma and work out the issue. I think we should support it,” the deputy said.

He was also outraged by the recommendation of the National Bank to stop cooperation with Russian banks and noted that this could be regarded as actions against Russia.

Later in the interview 24.kg Iskhak Masaliyev clarified exactly what kind of support, in his opinion, Kyrgyzstan should provide to Russia in its conflict with Ukraine.

“The form of support varies. Otherwise, it turns out that we are required to comply with sanctions. That is, the European Union and America impose sanctions, and then we are obliged to comply with them. We are not responsible for this operation. I believe that our only strategic ally is Russia. The most important argument is only one — one million of our citizens work there,” Masaliyev said.

He also expressed satisfaction that Almazbek Atambayev had withdrawn the American military base from Kyrgyzstan, stressing that its presence could have a significant impact in the current conflict.

Source: https://24.kg/vlast/303965_ishak_masaliev_predlojil_kyirgyizstanu_podderjat_rossiyu_vkonflikte_sukrainoy/