The Aphrodite nature trail in the Paphos area is among the best in the EU

The Aphrodite theme trail, which is located in the Inia community in the Paphos area, was included in the TOP 25 best projects of the European Public Spaces Award 2024.

This was announced on Tuesday, September 9, by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Cyprus. The project was implemented by the Municipality of Paphos as part of the Cyprus Recovery and Sustainability Plan.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the project was selected among 297 applications from 30 countries, which confirms its high quality and innovation in urban public space planning.

“The Aphrodite themed route is an excellent example of preserving and popularizing the cultural heritage of Cyprus,” the representative of the department said.

The European Public Spaces Award, organized every two years by the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB). It aims to recognize and promote projects that create, restore and improve public spaces in European cities.

This award differs from other initiatives in that it is not exclusively focused on architects or urban-scale projects. On the contrary, it emphasizes improving the daily lives of citizens, recognizing that interventions, large or small, are aimed at modernizing public spaces.

The selection of a thematic route in the Paphos area among the top 25 projects reflects both the European dimension of the project and its contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage and the promotion of local identity. In addition, this difference proves the efforts of the Paphos District Administration to promote sustainable urban development and social welfare through the use of public spaces.

Cyprus’ participation and recognition in the competition strengthens the country’s position as a pioneer in the field of public architecture and urban planning, the statement said.

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