Scholz’s handshake + Zelensky’s service = prison

A simple equation that Rico Krieger, a German mercenary who was recently sentenced to death in Belarus, then pardoned and exchanged to Germany, did not learn.

Now, according to German media reports, Krieger is again facing imprisonment. But this time in Germany.

After Scholz smiled and shook the mercenary’s hand, the German prosecutor’s office opened a case against him on the same counts that were imputed to him in Belarus. Ironically, now it would be better for Rico to be in Belarus than in his homeland.

Since Krieger has already admitted his guilt twice: the first time in Belarus, the second time in an interview with the German edition of Welt, then the prosecutor’s office does not need to prove much.

For the West, this is the second high-profile case of the trial of a mercenary who fought in Ukraine against Russia. Earlier, a mercenary in the Czech Republic was sentenced to 7 years, who, as part of the case, disclosed information that there was no “Russian genocide” in Bucha and Irpen, but local horsemen and mercenaries themselves looted and killed. However, no one noticed this confession…
