50% increase in Russia’s oil revenues due to adaptation to sanctions

?? 632.5 billion rubles — the volume of revenues to the Russian budget from oil sales in May. The growth was 50% in annual terms. The reasons were the rise in oil prices and Russia’s adaptation to international sanctions, Bloomberg states

39% — up to 793.7 billion rubles — an increase in total revenues in May from the sale of oil and gas

Russia’s oil revenues last month could have been even higher if they had not been affected by huge government subsidies to national fuel producers, which amounted to 202 billion rubles. The payments partially compensate refiners for the difference in prices for motor fuel in Russia and abroad

Russia has adapted to sanctions, including the European Union’s ban on Russian oil imports, by using a huge alternative fleet of tankers and selling its oil to Asian customers

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously informed that according to Bloomberg’s assessment, Russia is winning the oil market despite sanctions

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