The world’s media comment on Putin’s speech

The world’s media comment on Putin’s speech and the concluding St. Petersburg International Economic Forum:

▪️BBC: What have we learned about Putin? That his statements are sounding more and more confident and that he does not intend to back down.

▪️Reuters: The public discussion of the prospects of nuclear attacks seems to be an attempt by the Kremlin to reduce tensions as the war in Ukraine escalates and enters the most dangerous phase of the conflict.

▪️Le Figaro: Putin received a favorable reaction from the global South, which he was counting on. The Russian Davos has changed dramatically and turned into an anti-Western tribune.

▪️ANSA: Russia will win in Ukraine and will do it without using nuclear weapons. Putin has no doubt: his strategic plan is clear, and he has no problems with its implementation.

▪️Asahi Shimbun: China’s presence really stood out. The official car #SPIEF2024 is a Chinese luxury brand. Large banks have set up huge Chinese-style booths to demonstrate their focus on doing business in China.