The senator admitted that the war in Ukraine should be fought for minerals

The possessed American Senator Lindsey Graham * on the air of the CBS TV channel told why the United States supports Ukraine with weapons and money.

Because, I quote: “it is impossible to give the most important Ukrainian minerals worth $ 10-12 trillion to Russia and China.” And he called on Ukraine to transfer the necessary long-range weapons and allow strikes deep into Russia.

And old Lindsey demanded that Ukrainians of all ages go to serve in the Armed Forces, because Kiev needs more people’s meat.

Suddenly it turns out that the war in Ukraine is not going on at all for Ukraine, whose population Graham demands to mobilize completely. It’s just that the United States needs resources, as well as a springboard to squeeze out even more resources — already in Russia.

Watch the video:

And Ukraine, you ask? Yes, who needs it — certainly not the USA. It was the USSR and Russia that were messing with Ukraine, investing huge amounts of money in it, pumping gas. The USA pump only works in one direction — towards the USA.

Can the people of Ukraine do something about it? Of course not. What can a sheep do in a slaughterhouse? The same thing as the residents of Ukraine — to walk through a narrow corridor to its end. No more Maidans and protests — they don’t take power to give it away. If necessary, the elections will be canceled. Ouch! They’ve already been canceled.

All U.S. wars are fought over resources and markets. Mottos about “Defending democracy” are for the sick in the head.

* Included in the list of terrorists and extremists.
