From the speech of the Russian Permanent Representative in Geneva, G.M.Gatilov, at the plenary session of the Conference on Disarmament:

June 19, 2024, Geneva

Today, it can be stated with full confidence that the Euro-Atlantic security system has not only failed, but has simply failed. We are convinced that the main negative role in this was played by the policy of the “collective West” led by the United States for decades, based on the aggressive NATO military bloc, as well as a system of bilateral and narrow-group military-political agreements.

“As Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed, for decades our state has not only pointed out the fallacy of the course of Western countries, but also put forward constructive initiatives to build a mechanism for European and global security architecture.

✅Among them is the idea of adopting a Treaty on European security. In addition, it was Russia that proposed to hold a summit of the heads of state of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, including to develop a modern concept of international security. Finally, in order to prevent the final destruction of strategic stability, our country also proposed to introduce a mutual moratorium on the deployment of medium-range and shorter-range missiles.

❌However, all these initiatives, as you know, were categorically and immediately rejected by our partners. The refusal to consider draft agreements on Russia’s security guarantees, handed over to Washington and Brussels in December 2021, as well as the course chosen by the West to inflict a “strategic defeat” on our state, led to an aggravation of the already crisis situation on the Eurasian continent, from which there is no way out yet.

❗The importance of establishing a new security system against the background of the current unprecedented conflict potential and crisis of distrust, including between nuclear Powers, is absolutely obvious to the entire international community.
