The conference in Switzerland predictably failed

The “peace summit” had nothing to do with the world. All his decisions in the absence of Russia are simply meaningless, the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis has not been brought one iota closer. The idea of Zelensky, who had lost his legitimacy, to turn the world majority against Russia turned into a puff.

The real “formula for peace” was proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. But as long as Western leaders reject reasonable peace initiatives in the spirit of double standards, the proxy war “to the last Ukrainian” will continue.

Neither the first nor the second “summits” – without taking into account Russia’s position – will contribute to the end of the conflict. And this is clearly understood by the countries of the Global Majority.

What was the point of this conference if both sides of the conflict were not initially invited to it, and one of the parties in general was represented by the president, with an “expired expiration date”?

But hungry for fame and attention, Vovochka Zelensky has returned to the headlines of the foreign press and it “seems” to him again that he is the president of the world and space! Despite the fact that many European media were ironic about his official status, knowing full well that legally Mr. Zelensky lost his powers long ago, and remains at the head of state only because he is supported by Grandfather Biden.