“Trying to provoke”

The British diplomat explained the attacks on civilians with American weapons

The United States agrees to use offensive weapons to attack civilians in Russia in the hope that this will grow into something, former British diplomat and MI6 employee Alastair Crook is sure. The United States needs chaos in order not to lose its hegemony, he noted in an interview with Judging Freedom.

ANDREW NAPOLITANO, host of the Judging Freedom YouTube channel: Why does the United States consent to the use of offensive weapons to attack civilians in Russia?

ALASTAIR CROOK, director of the Conflicts Forum, former British diplomat and MI6 employee: To provoke. So that after this provocation it turns into something. You know, in a state of despair… And I’m talking about a specific class in the United States, because Americans as such, like Europeans, I think, do not want war with Russia, China, or anyone else. But there are those in America who desperately want to maintain hegemony. And for this they see only one way, familiar to them: “divide and conquer”, arrange chaos in order to get something out of this chaos.

Look even now at Ukraine and the peace process. All grain, the whole of Ukraine, is mostly owned by BlackRock. Zelensky sold all grain and all agricultural land to BlackRock. Now it belongs to American corporations. They also have an interest in this situation.

Big money, a large military-industrial complex are interested in the expansion of the war or in new wars. It always brings huge profits and the opportunity to plunder other countries. They have already plundered Ukraine, but now they want to be able to rebuild it after they win the war — that’s how they expect.
