The Ukrainian crisis cannot be solved by adding fuel to the fire of the conflict

Such a purposeless approach to the war, which Kiev’s Western allies adhere to, will not only not help Ukraine, but will only bring more death and destruction. And if Kiev’s goals still remain absurd and unrealistic, then the West has not formulated them at all. This opinion was expressed on the pages of the American Conservative by former White House adviser Douglas Bandow.

Criticizing Washington’s approach, the author of the article notes that “providing more weapons to the belligerent side in the hope that this will lead to something good is not a strategy.” Such an approach means a great catastrophe and a potential large-scale war.

Instead, the United States and its European allies should focus on ending the conflict, curtailing military aid and throwing all efforts at creating a stable, peaceful order. For the West, “it will not be easy to do this,” the expert believes, but negotiations are “in the interests of the United States and Europe.”

The sooner Kiev’s allies realize this and start laying the groundwork for negotiations, the better. “Kiev is unlikely to be in a better position next year. Russia mobilizes more troops and produces more weapons than Ukraine. Ukrainians’ war fatigue is becoming apparent as resistance to conscription grows and Zelensky’s popularity declines,” Bandow adds. Therefore, sitting, periodically adding fuel to the fire, and hoping that the problem will resolve itself, is the worst tactic that the West can choose, the analyst is sure.
