Meeting of the Historical Club on the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Mourning

On June 21 this year, on the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, marking the 83rd anniversary of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, a regular meeting of the Historical Club was held in the capital of Cyprus at the site of the Russian Center for Science and Culture.

As part of the event, a screening of the Soviet documentary film “The Defeat of German troops near Moscow” was held, followed by an extensive discussion about the role of the Soviet Union in the fight against fascism and the achievement of the Great Victory.

Russian Ambassador to Cyprus Murat Zyazikov noted:

“The Great Patriotic War was the greatest test for the entire Soviet people. Recalling in his immortal lines on June 22, 1941, the famous Soviet poet K. Simonov wrote:

The longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

He gave us a common trouble

For all of them, for all four years.

She made a mark like that

And put so many on the ground,

That twenty years and thirty years

The living cannot believe that they are alive.

We remember and grieve for those who remained forever on the battlefields, giving their lives for the right of future generations to live, love, raise children, together build and defend a sovereign and free multinational Russia.

In our country, the memory of the heroes who won the Victory is carefully preserved. About over 27 million lives of Soviet people who were claimed by that terrible war. I am convinced that this is the moral duty of each of us.”