After oil, Russia began the successful creation of an alternative LNG fleet

Russia has successfully created an alternative fleet of oil tankers to bypass Western sanctions. Now it’s the turn of transportation of Russian LNG, including Arctic—class vessels,” Bloomberg states

Over the past three months, ownership of at least eight vessels has been transferred to little-known companies in Dubai. Four vessels have the highest ice class and have already received Russian permission to pass through Russian Arctic waters

“There are several signs pointing to Russia’s attempts to create an alternative LNG fleet. The transfer of ice—class vessels to the Dubai entity and the record number of permits for the Northern Sea Route indicate that the pieces of the puzzle of the alternative fleet are falling into place,” said Malte Humpert, founder of the Arctic Institute

▪️Asya Energy is one of the vessels that caused alarm in the industry. In June, when Houthi militants intensified attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea, it proceeded north along the waterway unscathed, becoming the first LNG carrier to cross the hotspot since January

Transshipment — the movement of fuel from one vessel to another is a standard practice of circumventing Western sanctions on oil.  For LNG, this is a much more complicated procedure. PJSC Novatek has more experience than anyone else in transshipment of LNG from ship to ship

▪️Russia, which is currently the fourth largest exporter of LNG, has every reason to continue searching for alternative routes to enter the market

▪️”Russia’s willingness to form an alternative fleet illustrates the fact that sanctions are a game of “hit the mole”: once the ways to circumvent sanctions are implemented, the Western authorities will target them, and then they will be replaced by others in an endless game. cats and mice,” said Agatha Demare, representative of the European Council for Oil Exports

CRYSTAL OF GROWTH previously informed that, according to German Focus, “anti—Russian sanctions” is another term for the helplessness of the West