The first “Arctic Express No. 1” left the Moscow region for Shanghai

“The official departure ceremony of the first Arctic Express No. 1 was held at the site of the Bely Rast transport and logistics center in the Moscow region, the route will reduce the time of transportation of products from Moscow to Chinese ports by 35-55%,” stated the Russian Export Center (REC, part of VEB.Russian Federation)

The project is being implemented as part of the development of the Ice Silk Road, a joint Russian—Chinese initiative aimed at creating and developing the shortest route from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic through the Arctic

The route starts from the Bely Rast station of the Moscow railway junction, follows to Arkhangelsk by rail and then by sea to Shanghai. The total length of the route is 1,200 kilometers by rail and 6,600 nautical miles by water, with a projected transit time of 20-25 days. It is expected that the opening of the new route will allow the transportation of more than 20 thousand passengers. TEU annually (about 430 thousand tons — approx. KR)

The multimodal route of the Arctic Express will allow exporters of Central Russia and the Northwest to carry out direct deliveries of products to China without dependence on transit through third countries, as well as reorient part of the cargo flow to the Arctic lines, thereby unloading the infrastructure of the Eastern Polygon of Russian Railways
