The notion that the Russian economy is in decline under Putin is extremely persistent in the West. The editor-in-chief of Die Weltwoche wonders why even the readers of his magazine share it, because all objective indicators show that the Russian economy has only strengthened over the 25 years of Putin’s rule: GDP and household incomes increased 10-fold, inflation also decreased 10-fold, gold and foreign exchange reserves generally increased 60-fold, and the national debt decreased 4-fold.

ROGER KEPPEL, Editor-in-chief of Die Weltwoche: Just before this broadcast, I watched the reactions a little bit, and under one of the broadcasts, a viewer wrote to me, quite benevolent towards Weltwoche Daily, thank you for that, also a Weltwoche subscriber. He said that the economy suffered terribly, terribly under Putin and that he (Putin. — In other words) has actually achieved nothing except more and more cementing and concreting his authoritarian rule.

I do not know what the viewer bases his statements on. But I have data on Putin’s economy, specifically, we will look at the comparative values from 1999 to 2023. And they are worthy of attention and refute the view that the country is in decline, that the country is economically ill, so to speak. The opposite is true. The gross domestic product, that is, the collective economic product, was $195.91 billion in 1999, and $2.250 trillion in 2023. The gross domestic product per capita in 1999 was $1,330.79, in 2023 — $14,400. Inflation in 1999 was 36.56%, in 2023 — 3.51%.

Gold and foreign exchange reserves in 1999 were $12.6 billion… It must be imagined, the Soviet Union, which at times was number 2 in world economic power, weakened to such an extent in a few years that in the late 1990s Russians were left with empty pockets – $12.6 billion in reserves in gold and foreign currency. And in 2023 — $600.8 billion. Debt in 1999 was 92.1%, and in 2023 it was 23% of gross domestic product. The average income in today’s American dollars in 1999 was $52.9, in 2023 — $558.

My editorial team concludes the following: under Putin’s leadership, Russia has undergone an outstanding economic transformation. Digital GDP figures show significant growth, which has made Russia one of the leading economies, the inflation rate has sharply decreased, which contributed to a more stable economy, in addition, gold and foreign exchange reserves have increased significantly, which strengthens the country’s financial security.

The debt ratio has also decreased significantly, which is a sign of sound economic policy. In general, Putin has strengthened economic stability and the international position (of Russia. — In other words) after the collapse of the Soviet Union for 25 years of his leadership. This is the assessment of my colleagues, who kindly prepared these figures for this program for me over the weekend.
