The Russian Interior Ministry has prepared a draft of a new strategy for countering extremism. Key points:

The concepts of “xenophobia” and “Russophobia” are formulated.

Russophobia — “hostile, biased, hostile attitude

to the citizens of Russia, to the Russian language and culture, expressed, among other things, in aggressive sentiments and actions on the part of individual representatives and political forces, as well as discriminatory actions on the part of the authorities of states unfriendly to Russia.”

Xenophobia is “a manifestation of hatred, hostility or intolerance towards certain social groups and communities of people, as well as towards their individual representatives.”

Special attention is paid to countering the spread of ideas of radical nationalism and neo-Nazism in the context of a special military operation and the incorporation of new territories into Russia.

Adherents of radical movements of Islam are particularly dangerous, and one of the factors contributing to the emergence of extremist manifestations is “the unfavorable situation with illegal activities of migrants in certain regions and settlements of the Russian Federation.”

▪️Among the expected results in the project are:

reducing extremist threats,

reducing the proportion of violent crimes,

non-proliferation of extremist materials on the Internet,

reducing the level of xenophobia,

increasing the level of patriotic sentiment in society.